Monday, November 9, 2009

Towards floaty feelings

I am in need of inspiration.

In yoga this can translate as needing "rajas", which is the fiery hot energy that gets us moving, gets us from a state of claylike heaviness, to a state of change. This reminds me of physics, where the static friction is always greater than the kinetic friction. In other words, it takes a greater force to start an object moving than it does to keep it rolling.

Okay, so I need something to push me. However, from what I know of rajasic states, this often involves HEAT.
Here are some rajasic things in our everday life. For me, having just walked out of the mediclinic this morning with a diagnosis of Rosacea, meaning once more, all advice points to "no more heat in your life Jackie!", you can see how these things go against what I need.

Active Movement - jogging, hot yoga (yum), ashtanga yoga, dance dance dance, biking downtown in unfriendly cycling traffic, shouting, hysterical laughter, loud, crazy music, playing with your pet vigorously, becoming passionate about a cause, learning exciting news, having a deadline.

So you get the point. But for me, I tend to go way overboard with these hot things, and that makes me angry.

So my question to the universe is this. If we are in a tamasic (heavy, blank slate) kinda mood, is it possible to skip all that rajasic stuff and go straight to the sattvic form (which is full of light, feeling weightless, relaxed, I like to call it "floaty")?

Sattvic activities are supposed to follow the rajasic, but since I find rajasic to time and again be uncontrollable in my body and mind, I want to skip them all. So can I go from feeling depressed and mopey in the morning, and without having to go for a jog or listen to hiphop, go straight to floatey? So like, instead of hiphop (cmon, I don't really listen to it), could a Jack Johnson song make me feel good?

Other sattvic things?

Eating popcorn (cuz it's light and full or air hehe)
Jack Johnson and Norah Jones' songs (they just do it for me, sorry)
Praying (well, count that one out)
Meditation (ahh yes, back to this thing I keep avoiding) (sidenote, I did so-ham in the waiting room at the Dr's, for like 25 minutes and I did feel marvellous, even with the odd stares)
Yin yoga (maybe too much of a tamasic thing though)
Massage (only because I want a massage all the time)

We will see.

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